Alcotec 24 Turbo Yeast
Alcohol 0-14% in 24 hours / Not for Beer and Wine
Alcotec 24 Turbo Yeast – capable of fermenting to 14% alcohol in just 24 hours from start.
For sugar/water based washes. Ambient temperature interval 20 – 30°C, best 25°C
Making alcohol in 24 hours
Alcotec 24 turbo yeast will go from zero to 14% alcohol by volume in around 24 hours if ambient temperature is right so you don’t overheat it. Because of the very powerful fermentation we recommend not to use any obstructions such as airlock etc.
Because of the internal heat generated during the explosive fermentation, it is important to avoid too high ambient room temperature. If you have 18-22 C that will work fine, outside of this range you may get fermentation slowing down a little so you don’t finish in 24 hours. The best liquid temperature is 25C but it is of course very difficult to control this due to the variations in energy released during fermentation.
Please click here for technical data sheet